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TUhjnbcbe - 2020/9/4 12:55:00

去年台湾塑化剂风波,让人们谈 塑 色变,今年塑化剂卷土重来,引发民众新一片恐慌。可以说,这些年,随着大大小小的食品安全事件的发生,对食品安全的担忧已经深入到中国民众骨子里。然而,民众纵使拥有丰富的 食品事件 经历,具备鉴别食品安全的各种方法,小心翼翼的避免,却依旧无法躲过塑化剂的侵害。


「In this very great phrase, 」Reverence for life」, I too found what I had sought for so long. .... This principle is known to every good farmer. .... It is the only profession in which man deals constantly with all the law of the universe and life. .... Every good farmer practice, even though he may not understand clearly, the principle of reverence for life, and on this he is among the most fortunate of man., for he lives close enough to life. ....」

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